
Qíahn Tactics

Qíahn is a traditional board game, with simple strategy, quick, easy and fun for ages five and up. The game is ready to be played, in future expansions, by up to seven players, three per faction plus a player that takes control of the hosts from the Edge.

Players stage the eternal war between Heads and Tails. Each opponent chooses a faction and commands a squad comprised by archers, beasts, footmen, knights, paladins and wizards. Each player’s goal is to defeat his opponent.

The current game was launched in June 2015. A few months later, in December of the same year, came the Goblin Edition. It is a new card game version, quick, and easy for players of nine years and up. The components are common with the original game, but the rules are different: more strategy and less random.

And yes! Buying one game you have near everything you need to play the other one.

Tactics App

Qíahn Tactics App

Free to play version, for Android 4.1 and up devices, of the traditional board game. Avalaible in Google Play since October 2015.

The app is but an embryo of the definitive game. It will grow with dozens of combatants from Heads and Tails, there’ll be heroic fighters, the Exhalant-Hunters. Duration and strategic complexity will increase with the inclusion of the Gods and the Moons. There will be missions to gain experience points and improve troops and gear. And the Edge will join the fray, the third faction on Qíahn, ally to no one and enemy to everybody. It’ll be a modular game, where every type of player (casual, roleplay, card game, war game or board game) will find something to enjoy.

But its strongest point is the power given to players. Each victory will get your faction, Heads or Tails, closer to survival, while those who choose the Edge will get closer to the abyss. The outcome will decide not only the future of Qíahn’s inhabitants, but of the game itself…


Download here the Qíahn Tactics Rulebook!